
2012: my fav looks and details

Ciao a tutti!!! Oggi vi beccate un post lunghissimissimo che riassume i miei look e i dettagli preferiti di questo 2012 che se ne sta andando…Voi che farete domani sera per festeggiare? Un bacio grande! Hello everyone! Today a very long post that summarizes my favorite looks and details of this 2012 that is going … What you’ll do tomorrow night to celebrate the new year’s eve? A big kiss!


46 Responses

  1. hi blogger!! how are you?? Just happen to pass by your blog!! so many great photos!!! so much outfit!!! 😛 If you want you can take a look on my blog!!I’m a new blogger !!!!! :) We can follow each other!!What do you think??? :) Just let me know your answer -where you follow me- on my blog and then i followed you back!!!

    ../_……_……… ……*…….*year………*……..*…
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    ……|…|….|…|.*………..*….. (░ • ░)……**…….*

    xoxo stefania :)

  2. Following your blog is unfair to me. You are so young and have such a terrific figure…. OK I will concentrate on your style. Lots of your 2012 outfits are very good. And that yellow necklace… Is that made by an Italian brand? It reminds me of my green necklace which was made in Italy.

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